Roxie Laybourne (1910-2003)
Smithsonian Institution
Roxie Collie S. was an ornithologist who developed forensic techniques for identifying species of birds involved in bird strikes. Her pioneering work led to aircraft safety improvements.

John Seubert (1921-2013)
U.S. Department of Agriculture
John was a research biologist who pioneered work on bird strikes throughout the 1960s and 1970s. He was the first to develop procedures for conducting Wildlife Hazard Assessments and Wildlife Hazard Management Plans at airports. Through his work, John became a seminal figure in raising awareness of the bird-strike issue.

Richard Dolbeer
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Ret.
Richard is a wildlife scientist who served as Chairperson of Bird Strike Committee USA from 1997 to 2008. Richard worked closely with the FAA to develop the National Wildlife Strike Database and worked with colleague Ed Cleary to write the joint FAA-USDA publication, Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports: A Manual for Airport Personnel. Richard has published publishing numerous scientific papers related to mitigating the risk of bird strikes. BSC-USA continues to honor Richard through the Sandy Wright / Richard Dolbeer Excellence in Strike Reporting Award, which recognizes one Part 139 certificated and one GA airport that have exhibited a noteworthy strike reporting program.

John Goglia
National Transportation Safety Board
John Goglia served as a member of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) from 1995 to 2004. With more than 30 years’ experience in the aviation industry, he was the first NTSB Board Member to hold an FAA aircraft mechanic’s certificate. As a NTSB member, John advocated efforts to minimize the risk of bird strikes. As a teenager, John was involved as a scuba diver in the rescue and recovery operation in the aftermath of the Lockheed Electra crash in Boston Harbor in 1960. The crash, which killed 60 people, was caused by a flock of European starlings.

Eugene LeBoeuf
U.S. Air Force BASH Team
Gene served as the FAA Staff Wildlife Biologist from 1989 to 1995 and as the Chief of the USAF BASH team from 1995 to 2009. During his tenure with FAA, Gene was instrumental in establishing the National Wildlife Strike Database, developing and revising various Advisory Circulars related to wildlife and airports, and improving Wildlife Hazard Assessments and Wildlife Hazard Management Plans at airports nationwide.

Edward Cleary (1941-2016)
Federal Aviation Administration
Ed Cleary followed in the footsteps of Gene LeBoeuf, serving as the FAA Staff Wildlife Biologist for the FAA from 1995 to 2007. During his tenure at FAA, Ed built upon the programs established by Mr. LeBoeuf and, in partnership with Richard Dolbeer of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was the co-author of Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports: A Manual for Airport Personnel. Ed developed various training programs to educate FAA Airport Inspectors and airport personnel in managing wildlife hazards at airports.

Sandra E. Wright
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Sandy Wright was the manager of the National Wildlife Strike Database from 1995 to 2015. Her knowledge of birds and aviation, adept computer and editing skills, and her keen attention to detail enabled her to organize all wildlife strikes reported to the FAA after 1990 and accurately enter them into the national database. During her 20-year tenure, Sandy made significant contributions to aviation safety and science-based wildlife management at airports that will continue for future generations. BSC-USA continues to honor Sandy through the Sandy Wright / Richard Dolbeer Excellence in Strike Reporting Award, which recognizes one Part 139 certificated and one GA airport that have exhibited a noteworthy strike reporting program.

Carla Dove
Smithsonian Institution Feather Identification Lab
Carla started working for the Smithsonian Institution Division of Birds as a museum technician in 1989 under the mentorship of the late Roxie Laybourne. Carla became Manager of the Smithsonian’s Bird Strike Identification Program in 2000, and her ongoing studies and career path demonstrate her life-long dedication and enthusiasm for her work. She has contributed to the field of ornithology through the publication of more than 40 peer-reviewed works as well as countless professional documents and reports. She is dedicated to teaching young students and the public about ornithology, bird strikes, and feather identification.